
Hello friends,

I want to talk about doing something today.

We all have plans of something we want to do or be and for some reason we keep putting it off. There are always excuses that prevent us from taking action.

My favorite excuse is “it’s just not the right time”. I have to remind myself that there is never going to be a “perfect moment for anything because there is only right now. If I wait for this magical moment, I might never do it.

I have literally spent years of my life putting things off that I should have done or said because of some stupid excuse. Today is the day my friends. Learning how to say yes was a bitter struggle for me.

My friend: “Do you want to go here or do this”

Me: “Naw, I’ve got too much going on today”

Most of what I write on my blog is for me. I write to remind myself that I need to do these things. If there are other people in the world that get something out of it then that makes it even better but the basis is for me.

Today is the day. I have to do things now.

Much love,





Hello friends,

I want to talk a little bit about happiness.

This is a weird thing. What does it mean to be happy. Every person on earth has a different perspective of what happiness means. For some, it’s money, for others it’s love, and everything else in between.

Who’s to say that one is right and the other is wrong? We are all just different. There really is no right or wrong answer. If it makes you happy and it’s not hurting anyone else, then go for it.

You are in charge of you. Don’t do things for other people if you’re just going to be miserable. People that really love you will respect your decisions in life because they know that you are happy. Let them make their own choices and you make yours.

Be in charge of you. Start today. Every day we make choices, so it’s time that you start making choices that will make you happy. Don’t let anyone deter you from that.

Much love,






Hello friends,

I want to talk about making progress.

This is the idea that we are constantly working towards something better. This could really mean anything that you want it to be. We could be talking about health, finances, career, mood, and so on.

The main point is that you should be working towards something better. Don’t settle for anything less than what you want in life. You have the potential of attaining anything you want so why not push yourself to get it.

Life is a one time deal. Now is all we have so make it count. Yesterday is not who I am today because I’ve learned from my mistakes and I’m working toward something better.

Don’t be discouraged if some days are tougher than others and you feel like no progress is made. This is called life friends and it happens. The absolute best thing that you can do is get back up and keep on going.

For me, I have dealt with my positivity in the past. I had a terrible habit of looking at the negative in everything which in turn affected my mood and how I treated others. This was actually the reason why I start Inspiration Here We ComeI really needed to start training my brain to think positively and I have made a ton of progress.

I will always make an effort to be better than I was yesterday.

Much love,





Hello Friends

I want to talk a little bit about laughter:

Life is so hectic and we are so serious trying to get everything done. We seriously need to take a break and laugh about something. Laughter is the spice of life and we don’t do it nearly enough.

I have to remind myself (almost daily) not to take myself so seriously and to allow laughter to flow through my soul. This simple aspect changes how i approach daily activities and how I interact with people.

Laughter is a unique experience that gives our soul the ability to smile. Sometimes, laughter can be difficult with all the craziness of the day but it is worth it.

Please friends, don’t allow the hardship of the day to weigh you down. Take a moment and remember the goodness of anything that makes you smile. Laugh at yourself. Laugh at the world. Just laugh.

Much love,




Hard Work

Hello Friends,

I want to talk a little bit about hard work:

There are some talented people in this world. We have seen those people that have the ability to not pay attention in class and still get the “A” while we have to work our asses off in order to pass by with a “C”.

Some people are just talented. However, hard work will always beat lazy talent any day of the week. This is a perfect example of the turtle and the hare analogy; the turtle is slow yet persistent while the talented hare spends too much time doing other things and in the end, loses the race.

Just because you feel like you’re not as talented as someone else doesn’t mean that you can’t attain what you want in life. It might take a little more effort to accomplish what you want but you can still do it.

Don’t ever lose heart. Don’t ever let anyone else tell you that you can’t do something. Don’t ever tell yourself that you can’t do something.

It might not be easy by any means, but you can do it. Dig deep and drive on my friends.

I believe in you.





Hello Friends,

I want to talk a little bit about being mindful instead of mind-full.

There are so many activities and worries and chores and obligations and stress and the list goes on and on with things that can fill our minds. It’s so important to take time each day to clear our minds from all the garbage.

Life has a way of running away from us. There are so many things that we have to do each day and it’s no wonder that we become anxious or stressed out. How are we possibly able to complete everything that needs to be done before the day is over?

The best advice I’ve ever received from a  runner was never to look at the finish line but to look down at each step. If you look at how far you have to go, often times we will become discouraged and stop. It’s easier to complete the race if we take it one step at a time.

Like is like a race and we need to keep our minds clear and focused on one step at a time. Let’s get to the end together and with a positive mind. Try to take time for yourself to think about nothing but good thoughts and seriously enjoy the moment.

Much love,





Hello Friends,

I want to talk a little bit about light,

We need to be an example to others around us. When we glow from inside, people congregate to that. They see it and want to know why.

We have the ability of spreading love or sadness. Our moods directly affect others around us including friends and family. It’s important that we always put off the right vibe to others.

Our kids are not always easy but they are easily influenced so it’s important to be that positive example at all times because they are always watching.

Even with our coworkers (who can be difficult at times), Spreading positive light can change the scene at work creating a healthy work environment.

IF you feel like you’re having a hard day, then take a personal time out and breathe. Focus on the good things in your life and know that things will always turn around.

Life is what you make it,

Much love,





Hello friends,

Today I’d like to talk a little bit about perception:

This is a very powerful thing indeed. Our brains have the ability of filtering things out so that we only see what we want to see. This is both good and bad depending on what we are choosing to see.

Perception is everything. When we look in the mirror, what do we see. Is the first thing that comes to mind only negative? Do we focus on things we like or things we wish we could change?

If you’re like most people, we tend to focus on things that we wish we could change. “I would be so much prettier if it wasn’t for this”. This perception causes a lot of insecurities and problems throughout our lives.

The truth is that you are perfect the way you are. Our perception of who we are is the only thing that needs to change. People will love us for who we are and not who you want to be. Accept yourself not except yourself.

Starting now, every morning when you wake up, look in the mirror and say three things that you like about yourself (and mean it). Do this continually and not only will your perception change but also how you deal with the world.

Having a positive mindset is a life changer. I dare you to try it.

Much love,





Hello Friends,

I want to talk a little bit about having a balance:

You can literally use anything to fill in the blank when you read this statement: Too much of anything can be a bad thing. Healthy things remain healthy in moderation.

As I have gotten older, I have realized that having a balance is extremely important with physical and mental health. The funny thing is that we instantly know what that one thing is when we read a statement like this.

For me, I know that I love to work. I work on everything, my business, my house, my hobbies (like this blog). I have to physically stop myself to take in moments or to take breaks. Every morning, I take 30 minutes before I touch anything electronic and I make sure that I take breaks throughout the day so that I don’t overload on work.

Take a moment to think about something that you should moderate and feel free to share it if you like. There is no judgements here.

Much love,






Hello friends,

I want to talk a little bit about disconnecting from the world:

Sometimes, disconnecting from social media is good for the soul. I know that it’s kind of ironic talking about disconnecting on a social media platform but nonetheless here I am.

In the world that we live in, cell phones need to be on us at all times, more so than wallets or keys. I have left the house without my wallet before but god forbid I leave with my phone.

Everyone has more than one social media account that constantly needs to be updated or checked. It is not uncommon to see people in restaurants spending more time on their phones, than talking to the person sitting across from them.

Lighters at concerts have turn to cell phone screens and children are hushed with cell phones or tablets in public.

The point is that real connection is sometimes lost because we are transported somewhere else through a phone. Now it takes real effort to have interactions with people. You either have to really like the person you’re talking to or have bad cell phone service.

Take a moment (or more) each week and unplug from the technology world. Have a real conversation with someone important without the interruption of the cell phone. I promise that it will be hard at first because we are use to it, but it will be meaningful and worth every second.

Much love,



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