
Hello friends,

I want to talk a little about perception:

When we were a kid, what seemed like a big deal at the time seems trivial to us now. The total meltdown over not being allow to do or have whatever we wanted seemed like life or death but the reality is that perception holds a heavy weight for the moments that we live.

At that time, it was a big deal, just like right now whatever you’re dealing with seems like a big deal. Who’s to say it is or it isn’t? It really comes down to perception. Maybe five years from now, you’ll look back and wonder why you were so upset about it not maybe not.

Whatever it is, stay strong. Have the ability to pick yourself up in tough moments and keep going. Nothing is ever worth throwing in the towel and there is always someone who cares enough to listen.

Have the courage to perceive things differently. Have the courage to see the good in every situation. Have the courage to grow.

Stay strong my friends,

Much love,


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Hello friends,

Happy Monday to everyone and I hope the workweek isn’t too daunting.

Today, I want to talk a little bit about actions:

Communicating with others can be tricky. Emotions and other aspects come into play causing assumptions and miscommunication to occur. Over 50% of communication with other happens through body language and just under 15% of communication is what we are actually saying. This means that our body language is a major part of how we come across to others around us.

If everyone keeps asking us if we are okay or if we are in a bad mood and we don’t understand why. Chances are, our body language is sending signals that we are unhappy.

Our actions are a major part of communication. People are going to have a hard time believing what you say if you are doing the opposite. Your actions need to line up with what you are saying because this builds trust with people who are closest to you.

For me, the best option is doing more and speaking less. I like to let my actions speak for me. This way people know what I’m doing before I even say anything.

Less talking, more walking.

Hope this helps someone,

Much love,



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Hello Friends,

Happy Sunday to everyone.

Today I wanted to talk about people who feel like they don’t have a purpose. There are tons of people who feel meaningless or helpless or useless. The fact is that, so many people are so hard on themselves because they don’t think they add up to “standards” that have been set my the media or others around them.

The truth is that no one is better at being you thanĀ you. I can’t be you and you can’t be me. You are never going to be the best at whatever it is you’re comparing yourself to because that’s not you. You have to truly analyze yourself and find out who you are and why you are.

You are here for a damn good reason and no one else can be that except for you. The odds of a person being born is 1 in 400,000,000,000,000. It’s kind of crazy when you really think about it.

Don’t be so hard on yourself. Do your best to be the person that you are and that’s all that you can do.

Much love,






Hello Friends,

So I want to talk a little about chasing your dreams. I have a bachelors in entrepreneurship and have always been fascinated about creating something from nothing. I’ve never been content working a normal job. I always felt like I was missing something until I opened my first business.

Here is the thing, everything in this world takes a lot of hard work and a little bit of luck. There’s always risk involved when you’re trying to make your dream a reality but on the other hand you have the ability of changing your entire circumstance.

Believe in yourself and your abilities to make it happen. You can analyze as much as you want but eventually you have to make a choice. You are either going to go for it or you’re not.

You can do it.

I believe in you.

Much love,





Hello Friends,

I want to talk a little bit about kindness. This is something that could never be overdone but is underdone on so many levels.

Being kind to strangers is something that brings me so much joy. The act itself does not need to be something crazy huge. An unexpected compliment or simple buying of someones morning latte has the ability of changing someones entire day and usually does.

Spend some time to get out of your comfort zone and do something nice for a complete stranger.

Much love,





Hello Friends,

For my first post being on a Friday, I think it’s more than important to use today to reflect on the week.

Many people spend their work weeks solely focused on getting to Friday and the weekend, but there is so much that occurs during the week that make life great. Even if there are bad days that occur, there is always something great that happens from day to day.

If we spend five days out of the week just trying to get to two, then we are missing out on 71% of our lives. We as a society need to learn how to appreciate the world around us no matter what the day is.

It can be extremely difficult to be content with the ever looming everyday life such as bills, bosses, chores, and everything else in between. To me, this is when appreciation for life and what we have becomes the MOSTĀ important. In the midst of a hectic world it’s easy to lose your sanity if you can find time to enjoy life.

I hope these words will push you to take a moment to breathe and appreciate who you are, but today is Friday so you’re almost there.

Much love,






Hello friends,

I wanted to talk a little about our sanctuaries called home. This vital part of our life is an area that reenergizes us and allows us the ability to take on any challenge that may come our way.

The world is full of different exhausting circumstances so having a safe/healthy environment that you can come home to, is extremely important.

Sometimes this means having to say goodbye to certain people in your life that are toxic. As painful as it may be in the moment, there are substantial rewards with fostering a healthy lifestyle.

For other people it may not need to be so drastic as cutting them out of your life completely. It could be as simple as creating barriers so that friends aren’t partying at your house every single night.

Much love,