
Hello Friends,

I want to talk a little bit about being mindful instead of mind-full.

There are so many activities and worries and chores and obligations and stress and the list goes on and on with things that can fill our minds. It’s so important to take time each day to clear our minds from all the garbage.

Life has a way of running away from us. There are so many things that we have to do each day and it’s no wonder that we become anxious or stressed out. How are we possibly able to complete everything that needs to be done before the day is over?

The best advice I’ve ever received from a  runner was never to look at the finish line but to look down at each step. If you look at how far you have to go, often times we will become discouraged and stop. It’s easier to complete the race if we take it one step at a time.

Like is like a race and we need to keep our minds clear and focused on one step at a time. Let’s get to the end together and with a positive mind. Try to take time for yourself to think about nothing but good thoughts and seriously enjoy the moment.

Much love,




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