
Hello friends,

Today I’d like to talk a little bit about perception:

This is a very powerful thing indeed. Our brains have the ability of filtering things out so that we only see what we want to see. This is both good and bad depending on what we are choosing to see.

Perception is everything. When we look in the mirror, what do we see. Is the first thing that comes to mind only negative? Do we focus on things we like or things we wish we could change?

If you’re like most people, we tend to focus on things that we wish we could change. “I would be so much prettier if it wasn’t for this”. This perception causes a lot of insecurities and problems throughout our lives.

The truth is that you are perfect the way you are. Our perception of who we are is the only thing that needs to change. People will love us for who we are and not who you want to be. Accept yourself not except yourself.

Starting now, every morning when you wake up, look in the mirror and say three things that you like about yourself (and mean it). Do this continually and not only will your perception change but also how you deal with the world.

Having a positive mindset is a life changer. I dare you to try it.

Much love,




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