
Hello Friends,

I want to talk a little bit about having a balance:

You can literally use anything to fill in the blank when you read this statement: Too much of anything can be a bad thing. Healthy things remain healthy in moderation.

As I have gotten older, I have realized that having a balance is extremely important with physical and mental health. The funny thing is that we instantly know what that one thing is when we read a statement like this.

For me, I know that I love to work. I work on everything, my business, my house, my hobbies (like this blog). I have to physically stop myself to take in moments or to take breaks. Every morning, I take 30 minutes before I touch anything electronic and I make sure that I take breaks throughout the day so that I don’t overload on work.

Take a moment to think about something that you should moderate and feel free to share it if you like. There is no judgements here.

Much love,





7 thoughts on “Balance

  1. I’ve struggled in finding balance for the greater part of my life and I’m glad to say recent events have made me reflect on what’s most important. Now that I’ve made a conscious decision to make some heavy duty changes all I have to do now is continue to follow through. Great post!


  2. Oh my gosh, balance. Right, sometimes I forget. I simply plan too many things. Workout, squeeze fresh juice, blog, log in for work, work, blog, Instagram, work, blog, work, clean something, work, take shower, work, instagram, do hair, work, slap make up on, work, make salad for lunch, work, Instagram, blog, work, plan dinner, try to make dinner, squats, work, Instagram, clean something. Something, like that anyways. I call it undiagnosed Attention Defecit Disorder. I try to stop and eliminate some things but, it’s hard. LOL! I’m having fun, mostly, I guess.


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